LiveSimply Jackpot Club

  • About

    Membership of the Jackpot Club is by annual subscription of £12, but members may take out more than one subscription to increase their chance of winning. Members will be informed of their number/s after setting up their standing order with their bank and passing on the completed registration form to the Jackpot Organiser. New members may join at any time.  Existing members may alter their subscription at any time.

  • Where the funds go

    50% of the monthly subscriptions are paid out as Prize money with a First and Second prize and a small portion going towards the Annual New year Draw. The balance will be retained for the Overseas project which is supporting The Poor Servants of the Mother of God. Raised funds will go to a project which aims to educate women in sustainable agricultural techniques in Kenya. Prizes will be paid by BACS (bank transfer) therefore it is important that the registration form is completed and handed in.

  • Prize Draw

    The prize draw will be on the third Sunday of the month for the preceding month (e.g.  the May draw will take place on the third Sunday in June) after one of the four Masses, and will be held in the Narthex/Function room. Winners will be notified by email and a list of winners will also be published in the parish newsletter and on the website.

  • Win

    Eligible entrants will be those whose Standing Order subs were up to date in the nominal draw month (e.g. the May draw, held in June,  will include any member whose annual Standing Order subs include that May).  The size of the prizes will depend on the number of subscriptions.

  • Grand Draw

    In addition to the monthly draw, there is a New Year Grand Annual Draw for a prize of £100.  This is held on the weekend following the January bank holiday.  Only members who have paid a full 12 months subscription or who at the time of the draw have been continuous members for 12 months, are included in the Grand Draw.

  • Register

    Would you like to join the Jackpot Club? Registration forms can be found in the church Narthex or you can click on the button below to download the form. Once you have set up your bank standing order, please put your completed registration form into an envelope clearly marked “Sarah Phillips - Jackpot Club”. Once you have set up your bank standing order, please put your completed registration form into an envelope clearly marked “Sarah Phillips - Jackpot Club”. These can be deposited in the Church letterbox at any time or posted to the Church address.

  • Need more Info?

    Our Jackpot Club Organiser is Sarah Phillips of the Live Simply Team

    Please contact Sarah via the Parish Office or if you would like further details.

Winners for January 2024: First Prize Angela Watson £19; Second Prize Tony & Mary Box £9 !!!! Congratulations !!!!

Winners for January 2024: First Prize Angela Watson £19; Second Prize Tony & Mary Box £9 !!!! Congratulations !!!!