A Year of Living Sustainably
Welcome to this self-guided course that we hope will provide some sign posts for you in your own Live Simply journey. This is an invitation to commit to a Year of Living Sustainably.
Time: Monthly, starting from Lent 2024, finishing February 2025
Venue: in your own homes and surroundings, using your Heads, Hands and Hearts.
Each month, we invite you to consider opening your hearts and minds to the Pope’s call to make a difference to God’s creation through learning (Head), taking action (Hands) and reflecting (Heart) on an environmental topic. We offer something for Head, Hands and Heart so that there is something for every interest and every part of the whole being. You are invited to choose one from each category or one from one category, or any combination that works for you. It may be that when you click on links provided or start to do some research on a topic, it brings you to another practice, learning or reflection that you prefer - it’s all good! Our hope is that in the course of the 12 months ahead, you will begin to recognise what your care about most - what breaks your heart - and where you feel your energy and prayers are being called to as you open to God’s grace and the Pope’s invitation.
As always, we would be delighted to hear from you with any tips, suggestions, reflections and feedback so please do keep us posted on how it’s going for you by emailing us here.
To access, simply enter our website and click on the ‘Start course’ link. Sessions will be added as we move through the year together.
September 2024: Season of Creation
Each year from 1st September to 4th October, the Christian family unites for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. This month, head, hands and heart are drawn from the Celebration Guide for the Season of Creation.
Each year from 1st September to 4th October, the Christian family unites for this worldwide celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home. This month, head, hands and heart are drawn from the Celebration Guide for the Season of Creation.
October 2024: Autumn Begins
This October is a time to reflect on what living simply means to you personally, to identify areas on your life that you could simplify and to give thanks.
This October is a time to reflect on what living simply means to you personally, to identify areas on your life that you could simplify and to give thanks.
November 2024: Prayer
Last month, we reflected on what living simply means in our lives. This month, the tenth in our year of living sustainably, as we head into winter, we make space for prayer in every aspect of our lives - head, hands and heart.
Last month, we reflected on what living simply means in our lives. This month, the tenth in our year of living sustainably, as we head into winter, we make space for prayer in every aspect of our lives - head, hands and heart.
December 2024: Advent
This month we are in Advent - waiting for the arrival of our Lord. His incarnation in the world, in reality, in time. This world, this earth - the same that sustained and nourished His body, sustains and nourishes ours. May we, by His grace, come to know and reverence the sacredness of creation in this season.
This month we are in Advent - waiting for the arrival of our Lord. His incarnation in the world, in reality, in time. This world, this earth - the same that sustained and nourished His body, sustains and nourishes ours. May we, by His grace, come to know and reverence the sacredness of creation in this season.
February 2025: Our Year Completes
February: Congratulations! You have completed a Year of Living Sustainably, with simplicity and in solidarity with the poor. You have journeyed with head, heart and hands through your inner and outer landscape and in this final month together, at the beginning of the Jubilee Year, we invite you to consider what you will take forward as you continue to love and care for our common home.
February: Congratulations! You have completed a Year of Living Sustainably, with simplicity and in solidarity with the poor. You have journeyed with head, heart and hands through your inner and outer landscape and in this final month together, at the beginning of the Jubilee Year, we invite you to consider what you will take forward as you continue to love and care for our common home.