Tips & Links

We update this section regularly and post one of the tips and facts each week in the Parish Newsletter. If you have any suggestions or would like to add some tips of your own, please contact us here, we are always pleased to hear from you. Our LiveSimply team have put together some useful websites to help and inspire you on your own LiveSimply journey, click the button below to jump to the list.

  • Where to buy eco products

    For a one-stop online supplier of Fairtrade, ethical, and eco-friendly products, check out the Ethical Superstore purveyors of all things Fairtrade, Organic, Vegan, Plastic Free & Eco Friendly. Departments cover groceries, cleaning, home, fashion, beauty, and gifts. Each product’s credentials are clearly listed - enabling comparison and informed choice - and larger quantities of many products are available, thereby reducing packaging and repeat transport costs.

  • Online Food Refills

    Reducing packaging (particularly single use plastics) can be a challenge. However, online food refills are available through Peace With the Wild Vegan Food & Vegan Drink Products | Sustainable & Natural Ingredients. Their aim is to supply ethically and sustainably grown and sourced organic, vegan, and palm oil free foods in recyclable and compostable paper bags.

  • Non-plastic Sticking Tapes

    The problem with a lot of sticking tapes is that they contain polypropylene (plastic), which cannot be recycled. Fortunately, plenty of paper alternatives are coming on the market, which are both recyclable and compostable. Check out the selection of brown paper sticking tapes at Peace With the Wild or the lovely patterned ones from “Cascayde” Paper Tape.

  • Recipe Boxes

    If recipe boxes appeal to you (having just the right amount of ingredients can save on waste), consider using Riverford’s seasonal organic selections. This employee owned, Certified B Corporation, provides primarily local organic food and reuses much of its compostable pioneering packaging. It’s commitment to sustainability and climate action includes charity partnerships. For more details on their ethics and ethos visit Riverford Organic Farmers - Organic Fruit & Veg Box Delivery.

  • Fairtrade

    London is the world’s largest Fairtrade City. We have a wealth of information, facts, companies, organisations and movements on our doorstep that can help us all to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor. Check out the Fairtrade website for more resources.

  • Love to Read?

    Love to curl up with a good book or thinking of asking for one or giving one as a present?
    Sadly, the environmental impact of producing new books is immense, but World of Books
    provides a sustainable, environmentally friendly, alternative. Taking excess stock from
    charities, that would be forced to bin them, and acquiring stock from the general public,
    this UK based Certified B Corporation has won 2 Queen’s Awards and is officially carbon
    neutral. It’s aim is to help protect the planet, help charities to prosper, and provide
    affordable access to books - which is partly achieved through their Foundation’s support of
    relevant charities. Why not check out their stock online.

  • Cleaning Products

    One company that has really thought about the environmental impact of cleaning
    products is Smol. Their products are biodegradable and non toxic; plastic free; and
    are supplied in recyclable, compostable, and Forest Stewardship Council (“FSC”)
    approved packaging (even the ink is vegetable based). They aim to limit carbon
    emissions by supplying concentrated products (which means that water is not being
    needlessly transported) direct to consumers by normal Royal Mail post (so that
    special deliveries are not required). They also work with a number of charities and
    communities. You can find out more from their website and even get free trial packs

  • Don't Throw it Away!

    Did you know that Woking Environment Action (WEAct) has launched a series of
    repair cafés? A team of volunteers offers free repairs to small electricals, furniture,
    garden tools, clothes and textiles (no petrol-driven items and items must be capable
    of being carried by one person). The plan is for the repair café to be held at different
    locations on the second Saturday of every month from 10am to 1pm (last entry
    12.20pm). Donations are welcome to help cover costs and, ideally, email in advance
    to say what you will be bringing. Check out the site for more details.

  • Reducing Food Waste

    With busy lives and families and full ‘fridges, it is so easy for some foods to get
    hidden and forgotten. These days there are plenty of recipes for using up leftovers,
    with everyone from Jamie Oliver (Leftovers Recipes | Jamie Oliver); BBC Good
    Food (Leftovers recipes
    | Tesco; How To Use Up Food Leftovers?); and
    even the British Heart Foundation (15 thrifty ways to use your leftovers - Heart
    Matters – BHF)
    getting in on the act. However, you can only use up those leftovers
    that you have remembered about. Therefore, why not keep a running list of the main
    things that need using up and leave the list where everyone in the family will see it?

  • Want to get a Coffee?

    If you are planning on having a coffee in Woking town centre, did you know that
    “The Lighthouse” has its own cafe, called “The Cosy”? Also serving breakfasts and
    light lunches, the cafe is a not for profit venture, which supports the work of “The
    Lighthouse”. “The Lighthouse” is a hub that hosts “a range of projects to support,
    encourage and empower anyone who finds themselves in need”. All coffee is
    organic, certified by the Soil Association, and supplied by smallholder farmers or
    communities. See here for more details.

  • Consider Plastic Free Wet Wipes

    The government is considering banning wet wipes that contain plastic (90% of them
    in 2021), because the plastic can take decades to decay. 93% of sewer blockages are
    said to be caused by wet wipes being flushed down toilets, with “fatbergs” being
    overwhelmingly composed of them (90%). This is costing water companies millions
    of pounds (with the costs inevitably passed on to consumers). The best solution
    would be to carry a damp washable cloth in a water proof container. If you can’t face
    that, supermarkets and pharmacies are stocking more and more choice of plant based,
    biodegradable, alternatives. Please consider switching to non plastic wet wipes, ahead
    of any ban, and please remember not to flush wet wipes down the toilet.

  • Milk and More

    Did you know that doorstep milk deliveries are available in Woking? Milk & More
    has a range of 78 refillable products, ranging from milk (of course) and dairy free
    alternatives, through to staples such as sugar, rice, and pasta, and also including
    cleaning products (household and personal). Their ethos is to champion smaller,
    local, suppliers who embrace responsible, eco-friendly, farming. More information
    can be found here.

  • Local Eco Laundry

    Did you know that Kingfield in Woking has a laundry and cleaning service that aims
    to be eco-friendly? Lemon Fresh Laundry Lemon Fresh Laundry and Dry Cleaning
    is Trading
    Standards Approved and Checkatrade verified. Where possible the laundry
    uses eco-friendly and cruelty free products, as well as reusable or
    biodegradable plastic covers. It also has a refill station for a number of Ecover
    cleaning products - which results in less single use plastic and is cheaper than buying
    the product new again.

  • Eco Flowers

    Buying cut flowers can have a detrimental impact on the environment and workers. Many flowers
    are grown in greenhouses and/or travel long distances in refrigerated planes or trucks, so that carbon
    emissions are high. Furthermore, there is evidence that the excessive use of pesticides and
    herbicides are harming pollinators (such as bees) and workers. The flowers are also often wrapped
    in plastic, which can end up in landfill. Bloom and Wild is a cut flower delivery company that
    strives to be sustainable, carbon neutral, and fair to workers. By using 100% recyclable or
    compostable packaging, it claims to have saved 84,069kg of plastic from landfill in 2022 alone,
    whilst over 70% of its deliveries are made on foot, bike or electric van. It has also donated £500,000
    to charity partners. Find out more on their website.

  • No Food Waste

    DescriptHave you got a child at university or about to leave home? Do they (or you) want to save money on food and help prevent food wastage? Too Good To Go is an app that enables members of the public to purchase food, that might otherwise go to waste, from local restaurants and cafés at bargain prices. The downsides are that the food itself will be a surprise and you’ll need to collect it when the food outlet is about to close, but you choose the retailer and the savings will be enormous.ion goes here

  • Sustainable Face Products

    Have you come across reusable make up removing cloths? There are a number of brands, including the widely available Danielle Creations’ “Erase Your Face”, which come in larger cloths or smaller pad sizes. With just warm water, these cloths are highly effective at removing make up without the need for harmful chemicals or synthetic make up removers - making them ideal for sensitive skin. The cloths can be rinsed or else washed many times, thereby reducing the number of disposable make up wipes or cotton wool pads that end up in landfill (or wash up on our shores). You
    could even support the Leprosy Mission by buying from them .

  • Save Water

    Affinity Water have a quiz which allows you to work out your water footprint and get free water saving devices from them. Our water comes from the same groundwater sources as our chalk streams. But they are actually quite rare. Of the 260 chalk streams on Earth, 224 can be found in the English countryside, and many are in our region.
    We can do our bit by saving water every day to protect these precious streams. Visit their site.

  • Halloween Pumpkins

    Pumpkin carving is increasingly popular in the UK, but (unlike the Americans) we have a poor track record for eating the healthy pumpkin flesh (which is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre). The environmental charity, Hubbub, predicted in 2022 that over half the pumpkins bought for Halloween would go to waste (around 15 million of them). There are plenty of sweet and savoury recipes for pumpkins, but one problem is that they are now grown for speed and size, which means that they can lack flavour. One solution is to use plenty of spices. Alternatively, why not carve tastier members of the squash family (which also rot less quickly) and then make soups, curries, and other meals from them? Butternut squashes are particularly tasty and readily available.

  • The Refill Room

    A great way to reduce your environmental impact is to refill existing containers. Fortunately, we can now do this in Woking at The Refill Room, Kingfield Road, GU22 9EE (which shares premises with Lemon Fresh Laundry). Taking up the baton from the much missed Bare+Fair in The Peacocks Centre, their range includes herbs and spices, tea and coffee, pulses and pasta, cereals, oils and vinegars, flour, dried fruit and nuts, vegan hot chocolate powders, and ethical cleaning products. The owner is keen to meet the needs of the community and wants to know what we would like her to stock, so that she may expand her range. For more information and to show your support, you can follow them on Instagram @the_refill_room on Instagram or @theRefillRoomWoking on Facebook or, better still, why not call in with your empty containers?

  • Pre-Loved Clothes

    Knaphill Methodist Church have a dedicated team of volunteers who welcome families and individuals, offering them time to look for suitable clothes for their need. If you, or you know of anyone who, could benefit from this service, please get a voucher and come along.  They have a HUGE amount of clothing available FREE for babies, children, teenagers and adults. You can find out more on their website here.

  • Valentine's Day

    Around 40 million people in the UK celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, according to, with 4 million bouquets of flowers being sold here. Unfortunately, growing and transporting out of season flowers, mainly from Africa, in refrigerated containers results in huge extra CO2 emissions. There can also be humanitarian issues for the workers, under extra pressure at this time of year, whilst the flower crops themselves take up valuable land and water and are often treated with damaging pesticides, fungicides, and fertilisers. Many bouquets are also wrapped in plastic, contributing to the UK’s nearly 7,500 tonnes of extra plastic packaging waste over this period. To protect the environment and our brothers and sisters around the world, would you consider buying a longer lasting potted plant instead? Tulips or hydrangeas are worth considering, as they flower in the spring, or how about planting some bulbs together instead? Or maybe you could celebrate differently, perhaps buying or sharing an experience this year. For more information and ideas, see here Learn to love a low-waste Valentine's Day | Valentine's Day waste. Whatever you choose to do, we wish you a happy St. Valentine’s Day for Friday 14th February.

For those who can, consider walking or cycling to mass one Sunday. There are bike racks at St Dunstan’s Church which are located next to the back door.